
If the COVID-19 Pandemic has taught us anything, it is the need to be prepared for the future, even unlikely events.

We invite you to join us for our FREE upcoming seminars! 

Register using the form on this page and contact us at 419.504.4674 if you have any questions at all.

Get your Ducks in a  Row – What you need to know for the 2nd Half of Life

What Happens If One of Us Gets Sick?

Surprising ways to pay for your assisted living, or long-term care costs without selling your home or leaving your family without a dime! One of the biggest fears that many people have today is the fear of having their life savings wiped out if they need long-term care. What a shame to see someone’s life savings wiped out by the cost of care. It is important that you understand what you can do to protect your hard-earned assets if Long-Term Care is needed! It is extremely important that you know about the changes that come with entering the Second Half of Life, and how they may affect your estate and long-term care planning!

At this free workshop, here is what you’ll discover:

  • What happens if one of us gets sick and has to go to a nursing home?
  • Can I protect my assets for my family?
  • What language should I have in my power of attorney documents that can help protect my life savings?
  • How can I qualify for nursing home Medicaid?
  • How can I avoid wiping out my life savings on a Medicaid spend-down?
  • Are there VA benefits that can help pay for the cost of assisted living or care at home?
  • What steps do I need to take to protect msyself and my family?

Attendance is FREE, but seating is limited.


Medicaid Crisis
Does someone you love need nursing home care now or in the near future?

more dates announced soon

Are you afraid your loved one will have to spend all their savings to qualify for benefits? 

If so, they can’t afford for you to miss this important workshop. 

Many people find themselves in a crisis situation when a loved one suddenly needs more care than the family can provide. With care in a nursing home in Northern Ohio routinely costing $96,000 per year or more, it’s easy to see that the stakes are high! Without the right advice many people needlessly spend down their life savings, thinking they have no other option. The good news is that this can almost always be avoided. Even if your loved one is already in a nursing home, if there are assets left to protect, there are often strategies to help save what they have left, and qualify for benefits to pay for the care they need. You just have to know how. 

At this meeting, here is some of what you will discover: 

  • Why what you’ve heard about qualifying for nursing home benefits is probably wrong! 
  • How to avoid having your loved one’s savings wiped out by a nursing home spend down. 
  • How Medicaid works: the default rules that often don’t have to apply to you. 
  • Why the “default” rules are not the end of the story: strategies that can be used to gain eligibility for benefits, while protecting your loved one’s assets. 
  • What can be done NOW to protect the home from being taken by the State through Medicaid Estate Recovery. 

7 Critical Actions to Take in Case of Dementia

more dates announced soon

In case of Dementia, it’s time to get smart about the symptoms and discover the steps you need to take now to protect yourself and your family. Presenter Kevin Jameson, founder of the Dementia Society of America, will present “The Dementia Action Plan: 7 Steps to Take in the Face of Dementia™.”

At this event you will learn:

  • What is Dementia and how do you know if your loved one may have it?
  • Diagnosis of Dementia, the stages and early signs.
  • Dementia risk factors, cardiovascular risk.
  • Can Dementia be prevented? Are there different types of Dementia?
  • Health and prevention, can physical exercise and diet help?
  • What financial and legal concerns should be addressed today?
  • HOW DEMENTIA CARE CAN drain your savings and what to do about it.
  • What government benefits are available to pay for your care?
  • What caregiving issues will you be facing?

Your spouse, family members or a guest are welcome to join you. There is absolutely no cost or obligation to you.


Get Your Ducks In A Row

September 10th at 2pm @ Liberty Aviation Museum
September 10th at 6pm @ Liberty Aviation Museum
October 8th at 1pm @ Holiday Inn Sandusky
October 8th at 6pm @ Holiday Inn Sandusky